The Spiritual Science

Man has explored everything that can benefit him. He has explored rivers, mountains, food, medicines, and everything, so much so that a tiny little thing can even destroy the whole mankind. But he forgets to explore himself. He knows nothing about himself or about his soul. He never tried to reason the creations of God around him. How and who created this beautiful Universe? They have no answer to death, what happens when a small thing like (Soul) goes out from his body? All research ends there, everything fails. Spiritual science gives answers to all these questions.

It is where science ends and spiritualism begins. This is the supreme science. It is a science that reveals the secrets of the soul, God, and his creations.

Baba Jai Gurudev says that man is entangled in these creations only. He may obtain control over all worldly things but if he does not know his own soul, his whole life is useless. The whole world is in search of happiness and peace. In spite of everything, we don’t enjoy any peace because we are not connected to our spiritual source. When connected, everything becomes beautiful and peaceful. Man can meet the lord within himself regardless of any caste or creed.

God has placed himself in the human body; where? This spiritual science tells. Spiritual life is the name given to a life in communion with the lord; not to a life spent merely thinking about him. To achieve this, one has to find a saint of the highest order who has realised the existence of God and has experience on facts about – from where, for what and how the soul came in the human body, how it lost its origin, and how it could regain its original place and finally merge with Lord.

Importance of a Guru

Spirituality is a difficult path and cannot be trodden without a Guru. While lucidly dealing with spiritualism in his highly elevated satsangs (discourses), Baba Jai Gurudev has always emphasized the importance of a Guru in one’s life. Right from the moment man is born his first Guru comes as his mother, who nurtures him to live in life. Then his second Guru comes as a teacher, who imparts all the physical and worldly knowledge which helps him to understand and earn the necessities of life. But for the very purpose for which he has taken birth in the human form, he does not bother to have a Guru who can reveal the truth and impart the real knowledge of his being. It is they (the Guru) who unveils the curtain from the eternal truth and all about the purpose of his being in human form.

It is on that day when a human starts thinking about the purpose of his existence in human form, when he reason the fact of life, birth, death etc. He starts looking for an answer; which only a perfect spiritual master can give, who is endowed with Almighty’s grace and has all supreme knowledge.

Baba Jai Gurudev reveals that if the urge to have a spiritual Guru is intense and true then Guru comes in front of the disciple. In fact, the true and intense urge is rewarded by the Guru. “Guru appears when the disciple is ready”. Our spiritual aspirations are awakened when we are in contact with such a spiritual being. He is God personified in human form, who instigates the man to seek the real purpose of getting the valuable human form. He apprises him about the presence of God in every human body.

Baba Jai Gurudev in his discourses makes us realize that we have not come into this world to eat, drink, sleep and go away. This even other species can do. But God created man with a purpose, for this, he gave him the power to think, to reason and to make him understand. He comes in form of Guru; a saint; a prophet, a messiah. This is the law of nature.

Saints teach that true Salvation (Salvation of the Soul) can be achieved while living in this world with the help of spiritual ways of – SURAT SHABAD NAAM YOG SADHNA. Man has a physical body that is served by worldly amenities; mind by his intellect, but the soul is usually neglected by him. When in contact with a perfect Guru and his teachings to elevate the soul, he gets nourishment for his Soul.

Only a Guru can connect man with the almighty. It is he who reveals the Secrets of reality. He comes to release us from the bondage of our minds and allurements of the world. The main purpose of the Saints, the perfect Master, the Guru is to make the human form follow the ways of Shabad for the upliftment of the soul. This is the only purpose of their manifestation in this world. Guru is the greatest gift of God to mankind. He is, in a sense, a pole from where God manifests himself amongst his people. He is a medium to God-realization. Without a Guru all our actions, observances and worships are fruitless and a waste. It is difficult to gain emancipation without opening the internal eye (Shiv Netra).

A thorough study of holy scriptures of all the religions reveals the emphasis of a Guru. In the Bhagavad Gita, it is said,

“You should prostrate yourself before a perfect master and carry out spiritual practices and serve him. Only the Guru knows the reality & only he can impart this knowledge to you”

Bhagavd Gita

God speaks through the Guru

“Poor Nanak Speaks whenever he desires of him to do so”

Guru Nanak Ji

“The words of the master are the words of Allah through seemingly the same is uttered by Abdullah (the Servant of God)”

Maulana Rumi

“I Speak not of myself; but the Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth the work”


God cannot be realized without initiation, however much one may meditate on him. Unless you are initiated by a true Guru, you can not realize him because he is so subtle that he is beyond the reach of imagination.

History speaks that no man has ever made the spiritual ascent without a Guru. Very few Saints have come, who had spiritual knowledge from the time of their birth. Even they do not go against the tradition and adopted a Guru. Kabir Das Ji, who is supposed to be the first saint who openly spoke about the spiritual path and the Elevation of the Soul, also adopted Rama Nand Ji as his Guru. It is a known fact that such Saints although they had the knowledge from the time of birth, remained in the company of Saints and derived benefits from them. If this is the case with born saints, it follows that a Guru is all the more important and necessary for the common people.

This is the reason Baba Jai Gurudev stressed the mankind to listen to more and more holy discourses which further helps them to reach the final spiritual being. Only then our search for a perfect Guru ends.