Param Sant Baba Jaigurudev Ji Maharaj who is popularly known as Baba Jaigurudev Ji Maharaj was born in a small village in Uttar Pradesh and was residing at his Ashram in Mathura of U.P. State in India. His father was a talented person as well as a landlord. When he was a child he lost his parents. At the time of death, his mother asked him to search out and realize God.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
At the age of seven years, baba Jaigurudev left his house. Remembering the words of his mother Baba Ji visited temples, mosques, and churches and did what their heads told him. Time passed and at a young age, Baba Ji met a perfect spiritual master Pandit Ghurelal Ji Sharma of the Brahman family in Chirauli village of Aligarh district. After being initiated by his guru (master) Baba Ji started meditation in right earnest, Taking a one-time meal he spent more than twelve hours a day in meditation.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Baba Ji within a short period realized GOD. After getting perfection he started preaching from Varanasi in the year 1952. In the beginning, there were five disciples but now the number is billions. In his spiritual preachings, Baba Ji says that this human body is a rented house. Once the leased period is over this body has to be vacated. Relatives, friends, land, property would be left here and the soul would be dealt with according to our good or bad actions.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
At present, JAI GURUDEV is the name of GOD. This is the only name that would liberate the soul from the clutches of the negative power (Kal & Maya). The soul resides in between our eyebrows of the body. Its power has spread from head to toe and makes it work.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
The soul has an eye, an ear, and a nostril but all these are closed at present due to past good or bad deeds. Through meditation and mercy of the Master, these can be removed. After that, the soul can see the divine light and also hear the spiritual sound and music. After coming in contact with the sound (WORD or Naam) the soul can see the various spiritual creations and reach its real home SATLOK. In the words of GURU NANAKDEO it is SACHKH. And which is the real home of all the souls which are imprisoned at present in the bodies of animals, birds, and other creatures.<\/p>\n\n\n\n